Saturday 24 December 2016

Advantages & Disadvantages of Village Life

Village Life: Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life

It is said that God made the village and human-being made the town. This expresses much of the difference between the two.\

Advantages of Village Life

It represents the ideal life of which the poets sing. The life of villagers passes quietly. 

The craving of children for the village is a sign that it is the most natural and healthful life for man.

* In villages the environment is peaceful. Villagers live a simple life.
* Villagers get abundant opportunity to enjoy the beautiful gifts of nature.
* People living in villages breathes pure air.
* People living in villages are more healthier, active, and simpler in habits than the the people living in towns.
* The quiet and peace of village life give opportunities for thought, study, and mental development, which are impossible in town life.
* The abundance on pine air, and the more healthy conditions of life, also establishes physical health and strength as town life can never do.

These are the main advantages of village life

Disadvantages of Village Life

The dwellers in the village miss the conveniences and opportunities of life in town. The educational advantages are often few and difficult to secure, and opportunities for work are far less than in the city.
(Ignorance, prejudice, and narrowness), too, are more characteristic of village than of town life.

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