Wednesday 21 December 2016

Top 5 Advantages of Vitamin E

1. Balances Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance made by the liver and required by the body for the proper function of your cells, nerves, and hormones. When cholesterol levels are in their natural state, they are balanced, normal and healthy. When it oxidizes, it becomes dangerous. Studies have shown that Vitamin E serves as a protective antioxidant that fights cholesterol oxidation (2).

2. Fights Free Radicals and Prevents Disease Development

Free radicals fight and break down the healthy cells in your body and this can lead to heart disease and cancer. These molecules form naturally in your body and they can cause severe damage when they accelerate or oxidize. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that has the power to reduce free radical damage, fight inflammation, and therefore to help to naturally slow aging in your cells and fight off health issues like heart disease (3).

3. Repairs Damaged Skin

Vitamin E helps to strengthen the capillary walls in your skin and to improve moisture and elasticity, acting as a natural anti aging nutrient within your body. Studies have shown that Vitamin E  helps to reduce inflammation both within your body and on your skin, helping to maintain healthy, youthful skin (5). These antioxidant properties are also helpful when you are exposed to cigarette smoke or ultraviolet rays from sunlight, protecting against skin cancer.Taking vitamin E with vitamin C fights skin inflammation after exposure to UV radiation and can also be useful in decreasing signs of acne and eczema. Vitamin E also helps the healing process in the skin. It is absorbed by the epidermis layer of the skin and can be used to treat sunburn, which is one of the leading causes of skin cancer among other factors.

4. Thickens Hair

Because Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, it helps to decrease environmental damage to your hair. It can also promote circulation to the scalp. Vitamin E oil can retain the natural moisture in your skin, which will help your scalp from becoming dry and flakey. This oil will also make your hair look healthier and fresher. You can apply a few drops of vitamin E oil on your hair, especially if it is looking dry and dull.

5.Improves Effects of Medical Treatments

Vitamin E is sometimes used to lessen the harmful effects of medical treatments such as radiation and dialysis. This is because it is a powerful antioxidant that fights off free radicals in the body. It is also used to reduce unwanted side effects of drugs that may cause hair loss of lung damage.

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