Sunday 25 December 2016

Disadvantages of Social Media

Cons of Social Networking

1) Perpetuates False And Unreliable Information
Just like stated above, anything can spread to millions of people within hours or days on social media. This also, unfortunately, includes things that are false or made up. This information can cause panic and severe misinformation in society.

2) Causing Major Relationship Problems
Online social interactions with social networking have not only been starting new relationships, but ending many others. It is very simple to communicate and share pictures or plans with a person on social media and keep it completely under wraps.

3) Cyber Bullying Is A Growing Problem
Having access to people’s lives at all times is not always a good thing. A new trend of cyber bullying is wreaking havoc all across the world. This is especially true with young kids. They are publicly harassing one another, and posting mean or slanderous things which are broadcast-ed to the entire cyber world.

4) Used To Profile and Discriminate In The Job World
Just about everyone has a social media account the shows what they look like, the type of life that they live, and how old they are. Employers are using this to their advantages is some very unsettling ways. Jobs that are looking for a certain criteria of person, but cannot legally express these criteria, are using social media to prescreen their applicants.

5) The Addiction Is Real
One of the biggest problems with the social media craze is that people are becoming more and more addicted to using it. It is the number one time waster at work, in school, and at home. All of this has caused people to have literal withdraws from their social networks.

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