Monday 26 December 2016

What Are Unhealthiest Junk Food Things

1. Soda

Acidifying, chemical-laden, and loaded with either HFCS or artificial sweeteners (diet varieties), avoid all sodas at all costs. Instead, have some plain water or bring your own.

2. Fried chicken

Made from conventional chicken laden with hormones and antibiotics, covered with gluten-containing breading and chemicals like MSG and salt, and fried in cheap, rancid oils, fried chicken is high in calories, fat, and other chemicals that can make you sick. Skip it altogether.

3. Egg and sausage sandwich

Hormones, salt, antibiotics and dairy make that breakfast sandwich a non-healthful choice. Instead, start your day with a Glowing Green Smoothie. You can make several and keep them in your freezer so you can always defrost one and still have one in a bind.

4. Bacon cheeseburger
Where do I begin? Fat, calories, and cholesterol are only part of the problem with bacon cheeseburgers, which also contain HFCS (in the buns and condiments), dairy, salt, hormones, and antibiotics. It’s just plain nasty. Instead, opt for a veggie burger or an avocado sandwich.

5. French fries

Fries are simply salty unhealthy fat bombs fried in the worst possible rancid oil. Many fast food places now offer alternatives to fries such as a side salad (no dressing!) .

6. Milk shake

Loaded with saturated fat, sugar, conventional dairy, and often chemicals for flavoring, milkshakes can leave you feeling sluggish and sick. 

7. Deep fried cheese sticks

Take cheese (loaded with fat, salt, hormones and antibiotics), bread it, and deep fry it. How does that even sound as if it might be “food”? Skip them and have some veggie sticks with hummus, instead.

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