Saturday 24 December 2016

How to attract girls

Being Ready

1) Dress nicely. Girls notice appearance right away, especially shoes. It’s how they assess whether you’re a safe person to talk to and someone interesting. Make sure you’re ready for the day when her eyes might meet yours. Always look your best and be on top of your game. That way, when she looks your way, you’ll feel confident.

* Wear the clothes that make you feel good about yourself but also look good on you.

 * Look neat. No one is interested in approaching a slob. If you look like you’re happy to get up and get dressed in the morning, everyone will want to know you, especially that special girl. Leave the smelly sneakers with holes in them in the garage and put effort into your look. Girls spend a lot of time getting ready and looking good, so they really appreciate a guy who puts the same effort into the way he looks. She will notice.

2) Smell good! Women have a perceptive sense of smell, and most of them love a man who smells good. Make sure she likes your scent.

* Shower daily. If you are an athlete, shower after sports activities as well.

* Brush your teeth well and don't forget the back of your tongue where all the smelly bacteria collects.

* Floss your teeth daily. Removing bacteria between your teeth and on the back of your tongue will get rid of bad breath.

* Have several winter fresh or spearmint breath-mints in your pocket. She will never kiss you if your breath is bad.

3) Have some questions ready, and approach her when she is walking or sitting by herself. 

To get the conversation started, you can ask something like, "Can you believe she actually gave us homework over break? Be friendly and greet her with a smile and a simple “Hello.” You’d be surprised how well hello works. Try to make the questions related to how you know each other, like the class you have together or the work training that you’re both in. Be positive and upbeat. How she feels when you are around her is the most important thing and what she will remember most when she thinks of you later.

* Comment on the surroundings if you meet this girl at a public place like a bar or park. For example, “Isn’t this a great park to just come and relax?” or, “Have you been here on funk night? It’s a blast!” Don’t offer to buy her a drink until she’s spoken to you for a couple of minutes.

* Show enthusiasm about whatever topic you choose to bring up. A flat personality and monotone voice will only cause her to turn away and give you a one word answer. You can approach her on the dance floor, but be cautious. Her friends are going to protect her and naturally ward off predators. They came to dance and have a girls night after all. Your best bet is to approach her with a smile and put out your hand and say, “Hi. I’m (your name).” Then address her friends with something like, “Hello ladies. ” Her friends will respect you for your bold confidence.

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