Saturday 24 December 2016

Top 7 Facts Of Brain Which you should know

Facts Of Brain

1) In spite of what you’ve been told, alcohol doesn’t kill brain cells. It “only” damages the connective tissue at the end of neurons.

2) The Mozart Effect has been debunked. there’s nothing unique about listening to Mozart. 

3) You may have heard that we have more brain cells than there are stars in the Milky Way, but this is not true. Best guess estimates are that we have 86 billion neurons and there are 200-400 billion stars in the Milky Way.

4) It’s often said there are 10,0000 miles of blood vessels in the brain when, in fact, that number is closer to 400 miles. Still a substantial amount!

5) Contrary to prevailing medical belief, having high total cholesterol is not bad for your brain. In fact, it actually reduces your risk of dementia.

6) Memories are shockingly unreliable. Emotions, motivation, cues, context and frequency of use can all affect how accurately you remember something. 

7) Any given memory is deconstructed and distributed in different parts of the brain. Then, for the memory to be recalled, it gets reconstructed from the individual fragments. 

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