Sunday 25 December 2016

All facts of Milk

1) Cows produce 90 per cent of the world’s milk needs.

2) According to legend, the Milky Way was created by drops of milk from the breast of Hera, the wife of Zeus, as she breast-fed Hercules.

3) Nero’s second wife, Poppaea, kept 500 asses to provide milk for her bath.

4) The current UK annual milk production stands at 13.7 billion litres "3.01 billion gallons".

5) Louis Pasteur developed pasteurisation for beer more than 20 years before he did it for milk.

6) In 1984, Swedish scientists reported improved milk yield from cows fitted with plastic discs with insecticide to keep their heads fly-free.

7) Buffalo milk has 25 per cent more protein than cow’s milk.

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