Monday 26 December 2016

All Facts of human heart

1. Your adult heart beats about 100,000 times each day. Do the math, and that’s at least one beat every second, or 60 to 100 times a minute, according to the American Heart Association. For people whose heart rate is closer to 60 beats per minute (bpm), that’s about 86,000 times a day.

2. Age and fitness level affect your heart rate. Generally, as children grow or adults get fitter, the heart rate gets slower. 

3. Heart disease isn’t only the number one killer of men, it’s also the top killer for women. Your heart doesn’t care if you’re from Mars or Venus. “Heart disease is an equal opportunity buzz kill,” says James Beckerman, MD, director of the Center for Prevention and Wellness at the Providence Heart and Vascular Institute in Portland, Oregon, and author of Heart to Start (2015). More women die of heart disease than from most cancers combined, notes Dr. Beckerman.

4. Want to know how big your heart is? Make a fist. Heart size depends on the size of the person as well as the condition of their heart. Generally speaking, a healthy heart is about the size of the person's fist.

5. Your heart rate drops while you sleep. At night, it’s common for heart rates to drop below 60 bpm. Some people even have rates in the 40s while sleeping. Why? “It’s because your metabolism slows and the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows your heart and relaxes you, is more active,” Boling says.

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