Sunday 25 December 2016

Advantages of Peanuts

1) Rich in Energy:

Peanuts contain vitamins, minerals, nutrients and anti-oxidants and thus are rich energy sources .

2) Cholesterol:

It lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in the body . Peanuts contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids especially oleic acid that prevents coronary diseases.

3) Growth:

Peanuts are rich in proteins. The amino acids present in them are good for proper growth and development of body.

4) Fights Stomach Cancer:

Poly-phenolic anti-oxidants are present in the peanuts in high concentrations. P-Coumaric acid has the ability to reduce the risk of stomach cancer by reducing the productions of carcinogenic nitrous-amines.

5) Fights against Heart Diseases, Nerves Diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Infections:

A poly-phenolic anti-oxidant, Resveratrol present in peanuts prevents heart diseases, cancers, nervous diseases and viral or fungal infections efficiently.

6) Reduces the Chances of Stroke:

The anti-oxidant, Resveratrol in peanuts prevents heart strokes by increasing the production of nitric oxide.

7) Anti-oxidants:

Peanuts contain anti-oxidants in high concentrations . These anti-oxidants become more active when peanuts are boiled. There is a 2-fold increase in Biochanin-A and 4-fold increase in Genistein content. These reduce the damage done by free radicals produced in the body.

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