Wednesday 21 December 2016

All Facts About Realtionship Which You Should Know

1. Monogamous Relationships Exist Throughout The Animal Kingdom

Even though we often think of ourselves as a faithful species, we’re not the only one in the animal kingdom. Wolves, swans, gibbons, albatrosses and even termites are just a few of those animals that find a mate for a lifetime.

2. It only takes up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not

If you want to make a good impression on someone, you’ve only got about 5 minutes to do it. It is believed that it has far more to do with your body language, tone and speed of your voice rather than exactly what you say.

3. When Two Lovers Gaze At Each Others’ Eyes, Their Heart Rates Synchronize

Some extraordinary research has found that couples who are in love and bond in a romantic relationship synchronize their heart rates after gazing into each others’ eyes for four mintutes

4. Even Looking At A Picture Of A Loved One Relieves The Pain

Even though it was long known that the presence of a significant other has a lot to do with patients’ improvement, it has been proved that the same goes for even a picture of the beloved. The experiment showed that when experiencing pain, study participants exposed to pictures of their beloved and to distracting word games had their pain reduced far more than those exposed to the same distracting word games and pictures of acquaintances.

5. Cuddling Releases Natural Painkillers

Oxytocin, the so-called love or cuddle hormone, is produced during an embrace or cuddle. The hormone appears in the brain, ovaries and testicles and is thought to be involved in the bonding process. Research has found that a dose of oxytocin decreases headaches significantly, and for some it even makes the pain go away completely after 4 hours.

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