Wednesday 21 December 2016

List Of 5 Advantages Of Cherries

5 Advantages Of Cheeries

1. Protects Against Diabetes

Sweet cherries have a low glycemic index of 22 — lower than apricots (57), grapes (46), peaches (42), blueberries (40) or plums (39). This makes them a better snack than many other fruits, especially for diabetics.

2. Promotes Better Sleep

Tossing and turning at night? Cherry juice to the rescue! Drink cherry juice 30 minutes after waking and 30 minutes before your evening meal. In a study, participants boosted their melatonin intake by following this routine. Cherries are a good source of melatonin, which helps us regulate our sleep cycles. Cherries have also been found to help with jet lag.

Note: there is a higher level of melatonin in tart cherries compared to sweet cherries.

3. Decreases Belly Fat

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Researchers found that rats who were fed whole tart cherry powder, in a high fat diet, didn’t gain as much weight or body fat as rats who did not eat tart cherry powder.

4. Helps Ward Off Alzheimer’s

The Alzheimer’s Association includes cherries as one of the memory boosting foods because they are rich in antioxidants.

5. Reduces Risk of Stroke

Tart cherries provide cardiovascular benefits. The anthocyanins, which are the pigments giving tart cherries its red color, may activate PPAR which regulates genes involved in fat and glucose metabolism. This reduces the risk of high cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes, according to research from the University of Michigan Health System.

“My heart that was rapt away by the wild cherry blossoms — will it return to my body when they scatter?” – Kotomichi

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