Wednesday 21 December 2016

Top 7 Facts About Kidney You Should Know

Kidneys – how important are they? They are very important! As a matter of fact, they are the fundamental organs of human body. Take them out and no human can survive. They are extremely complex in mechanism and they have two primary functions – (a) blood purification and (b) waste elimination.

1. The blood flow in kidneys is higher than the blood flow in heart, liver and brain.
2. Kidneys measure around 4.5 inches" in length
3. Kidneys are no bigger than a standard computer mouse or a cell phone.
4. Each individual kidney weighs around 4-6 ounces.
5. In case of new born human babies, the kidney to body weight ratio is Three times the kidney to body weight ratio in adults.
6. In case of adults, kidneys form only 0.5% of the entire body weight.
7. Exactly half of one single kidney is capable of doing the job that is performed by two kidneys together.

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